
Showing posts from February, 2021

What is the orgasm gap? How the sex-tech revolution is making pleasure more inclusive

  Right now, there are few booming industries due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the economic downturn looming and unemployment rates soaring, many of us have tightened our spending over the past few months. However, green shoots are appearing in one field: global sex technology. Lockdowns and social distancing have catalysed demand for erotica apps and smart sex toys as people take their sexual desires online. Tipped to be worth an estimated $122bn by 2024, the sex-tech industry is not only facilitating sexual wellbeing for many but with a focus on addressing pleasure disparities, a new crop of sex-tech brands are doing wonders for women and other historically underrepresented groups. 唐人街探案3完整版 ►【2021】◄ || 在线观看和下载完整电影 唐人街探案3 ~完整版在線 (2021-HD) Detective Chinatown 3 完整版觀看唐人街探案3小鴨 完整的電影 [4K] 『TW電影』 唐人街探案3整版线上Detective Chinatown 3 線上看小鴨完整版 2021-HD 《唐人街探案3》線上看完整版 - 2021最新高清電影 『TW電影』 我沒有談的那場戀愛 2021 完整版线上 I Missed You 線上看小鴨完整版 HD台湾 电影完成! 《我沒有談的那場戀愛》線上看完整版 - 2021最新高清電影 『TW電影』 我沒有談的那場戀愛完整版线上I M